With the arrival of Ghostbusters (2016) to Netflix I thought I’d finally give it a go.
Ghostbusters: Answer the Call (2016) is a remake of Ghostbusters (1984). The 2016 film basically follows the narrative created in the original, where paranormal researchers attempt to use science to discover ghosts and other supernatural phenomenon, proving their theories correct with actual evidence.
Ghosts turn up, no one believes the Ghostbusters, the ghosts get more powerful, the team is called in to help. It’s disappointing how much the film follows it’s predecessor. The film isn’t bad, it’s just not great. If the original didn’t exist I’d probably see it as a better film. Given I grew up watching the 1984 version on VHS taped off the television, it’s very hard to put that experience aside for the new version.
The comedy isn’t as tight (hard to live up to Bill Murray) although I did have some laughs. The cameos by five of the original cast (out of character) were nice, if a little forced. I will say that the film is better than what I was expecting from the trailer I saw originally.
The costuming was well done, although I felt a lot of the film had a bit of a ‘generic sci-fi’ look. Especially in the sets, Rowans lab looked a bit like it belonged in Wallace and Gromit. Anyway, onto the props.
Props I liked
Anteanna-like Helmet
This isn’t in the film for long but it caught my eye. There’s a lot going on with it, but I like it. I don’t want a replica, I just like it.

New Hood Ornament
I really like this hood ornament. It’s a very neat little piece. The story of it’s production can be found here. I might try a replica one day.

Proton Grenade
While I’m not a fan of the concept in the film, I like the design of these things. This is something I’d like a replica of from the film.

Ley Lines: of North America
This is just a cool looking book seen briefly in the film.

Ghost portal mirrors
These are seen in Rowan’s lab, and immediately caught my eye. They look great and have a nice spook factor.

I was wondering how easy it would be to replicate them, but a quick search shows it’s already been done:
Final thoughts
It’s an okay film and I’d like some props from it, but they’re not at the top of my list.